Family Services builds coping skills in high-risk families,. runs regional child assessment and placement panels and foster care. These national Family Services Units work directly with families, in all communities including the most deprived, in ensuring stronger family relationships and bonds and avoiding family disintegration and separations. Uniquely the Family Workers are not office bound – they meet families where they are, motivate and teach skills and empower them in reclaiming responsibility for their futures.
Family Services also runs Girls and Boys Town’s national Hotline (0861-58-58-58), which provides telephone counselling service for young people, families and professionals needing advice, short-term counselling and referrals to other support services.
Although we make no charge for the Hotline Service, donations towards running costs and training are always needed and much appreciated.
You can make send a gift online by credit card or internet banking.
National Hotline
Our national Hotline operates during normal working hours (8am – 4pm) on 0861 58 58 58. The Hotline offers telephone, on-line and face to face counseling. We believe that you, the caller, are the expert – you know your circumstances, your interactions and relationships best. The counselor is a supportive listener who cares and will help you to, first, make sense of your struggle and, second, develop a plan to manage and overcome the challenges you face.
Trained counsellors are on hand to help you solve problems with your son or daughter … whether it is disobedience, rebelliousness or discipline issues … use of drugs, alcohol or under-age smoking … dishonesty, gangsterism or violence … difficult family relationships or problems caused by divorce or remarriage.
We’re also here to help kids solve problems with mom or dad, teachers and other adults.
Our Hotline counsellor is always focussed on empowering the caller – making you aware of your own strength and how to use it effectively to deal with the current crisis.
In addition to the counsellor’s own expertise and experience, she is also able to connect you to other support services. Over the years we have built up – and continue to expand – a database of resources available within your commmunity, regardless of where you live in South Africa.
We can also provide access to the programmes and services offered by Girls and Boys Town – such as our Common Sense Parenting’ training.
Although we make no charge for the Hotline Service, donations towards running costs and training are always needed and much appreciated.
Click here to make your gift online by credit card or internet banking.