CEO’s message

CEOs message

Dear Girls & Boys Town Insiders,

I hope that you are safe and well. It is my hope that you had a pleasant holiday with the opportunity to spend time with friends and family and that you are now well-rested and rejuvenated, ready for 2022.

I would like to take this time to acknowledge your part in the team effort that it has taken GBTSA during this uncertain and unprecedented time. From the bottom of our hearts, we truly appreciate the difference you’ve made.

2022 brings a year of new hope. Hope that the world will heal from the COVID pandemic, hope that the children that enter our doors will heal from the challenging life circumstances that they face and hope that GBTSA continues providing the safe space that our youth and South Africans need to continue growing.

Our first issue of the Youth Shine Insights for this year celebrates GBTSA’s 64th anniversary. 64 years of caring for our youth, 64 years of developing healing therapeutic programmes and 64 years of building GBTSA.

We also look at alcohol abuse among children and the need for our communities to assist in protecting all youths from alcohol and drug abuse.

Our Legal Corner looks at the new Non-Profit Organisations Amendment Bill and its importance to GBTSA as we would like to see improvements to the governing of non-profit organisations like ourselves so that our children can be protected to the best of our ability.

I am also excited to announce an auction for a one-night stay at the luxurious Spier Hotel. Find out more details on how you can participate in this issue.

Please continue to look after yourself and stay safe. Remember to socially distance and remain alert for symptoms of COVID in vulnerable youth so they can receive assistance.

Happy reading,

Lee Loynes,

CEO Girls and Boys Town South Africa

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